Nuovi cibi tra ricerca, sostenibilità e innovazione

Milano - EXPO, Padiglione Italia, 21 Ottobre 2015

Segreteria CNR-ISE - Tel:+39 0323 518300 - email:segreteria(at)


Climate changes and over-exploitation of resources together with social changes, resulting from the increase and different distribution of human populations, have resulted in limited terrestrial and ocean food resources. In this framework, the research and validation of new healthy and safe food resources is an innovative way to address the future of human nutrition.

New food sources, at low environmental impact, such as that coming from traditional foods in third Countries could be the new foods or food ingredients also in Western Countries, by applying new production methodologies. The National Research Council (CNR) presents microalgae, jellyfish and insects as case studies of environment friendly, accessible and healthy new foods.




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